Sunday 1 January 2012

A Very Happy New Year Our New Year Resolutions

Some of us get more than our share of works – it just seems to stretch and stretch on and on and on…. Or to put it simply, like the chewing gum the kind you get by the yards from Uncle Sam. Work expands to fill the time available for its completion, so what if we only manage to do it at the nick of time. Rain or storm we just about manage to scrape through the final print schedule by the skin of our teeth. Deadlines, they tell us  are to be kept!

Some lucky ones out there in the big wide world love work. Like Jerome.K.Jerome in Three Men in a Boat it fascinates them. It fascinates them to an extent that they can sit and look at it for hours.

They love to keep it by the side, the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks their heart. The Captain in such cases I understand is left monkeying like a joker, hopping mad like a woman spurned, running helter-skelter like confused sheep, wobbling like a lame duck in a thunderstorm and sometimes even prowling like a panther. All the while getting desperate for the positive actual result.

For us at the YS Desk tomorrow never comes right. Not until the D-Day. Not until the scanning militia, the advertisement dons, the artist, the cartoonist, the page makers, the computer buffs are all puffing and panting, literally breathing down our backs. Some of us, of course, work in what is a heavily loaded deal against us. An unequal race with Time the Old Gypsy Man who we just about manage to beat by a hairline margin. So what if the going gets tough? Naturally, we the tough ones get going. Nevermind if we lose our cool once in a while, pull our hair out, bite our nails, we are all in it together!!!

Above all, there is a reason in our madness. We may make lives of our ever abiding friends a little more hard and rushed, but then who else can you take for granted if not friends?

So as the New Year rolls in we promise to cross our hearts and vow, make a resolution to put the worst behind us. Swear on the going going gone 2011 no more knee-jerk action, the short fuse reaction, no more fits and starts of frenzied activity. We want all our bosses of all the different departments to know that we promise to put our act together.

The who’s who of Odisha very graciously and readily agreed to share their New Year resolutions with all of us. Nothing so ennobling for us. Yet taking a cue from them even the lesser mortals at the YS Desk decided to fall in line.

Resolution No. 1
We do hereby swear to mend our ways. In hindsight, come on friends give us a break! Confusion splendid and confounded is certainly a better way to survive than being like a painted ship upon a painted sea.
Just bear with us, by the time our turn came the Almighty ran out of perfection!!!

Resolution No. 2
We promise our readers a funfilled, live wire infotainment packed issues.
Cheer up! It could be worse! So much for our New Year resolutions.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

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