Tuesday 11 September 2012

Bruce Springsteen : A true American rockstar

Bruce Springsteen is one of the most popular and recognized faces of American music. His music is inspired by  his city, ‘New Jersey’. The beauty and the simplicity of the city have always inspired him. Bruce is a passionate American who has been influenced by his country’s  political, economical and social issues.

Bruce gained instant recognition with the song ‘Born in the USA’. The song is based on the Vietnam War and has catchy lyrics about the hardships and pain caused by the war. He vented his anger against it and music was an effective means to do so. This song was included in the award-winning documentary ‘Dear America’, which was a real-life account of the war. Another song, ‘Streets of Philadelphia’ was included in one of the greatest movies of all time, ‘Philadelphia’. Bruce’s music has been included in lots of Hollywood movies. Actors like Sean Penn, Tom Hanks and others are known to be his good friends. One of his music videos was directed by Brian de Palma, the director of one of the best gangster movies of all time, ‘Scarface’.

Bruce’s voice is unconventional. It is not a pleasant  voice. It has a macho feel to it and is liked by people of all ages.  His song, ‘Dancing in the dark’ was a huge hit and is a fast number. Another song, ‘Atlantic City’ is a slow number.

Bruce, during his early years, performed with the ‘E Street band’. Together they created some great numbers. The characteristics of the band were the guitar solos and the use of drums. In the latter years, Bruce’s success was affected by the onslaught of other bands and a significant change in the style of music.  However, he still remained one of the most admired singers of the USA. After the 9/11 tragedy, Bruce composed and sang some songs which were dedicated to the victims.  These songs were included in his album, ‘The Rising’.

Bruce remains one of the greatest singers of the world. He is a true American. Many people believe that he can play an active role in the country’s politics. Bruce has not yet expressed his opinions on this. He is one of the best musical spokespersons of the USA and the universal appeal of music makes him popular throughout the world

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